User manual

Declaration of consent

The documentation of the proof can be done in electronic format. In yve you can choose the option 'Show consent form' in the questionnaire. Then the consent form described under "Account -> Consent" is displayed. You can adjust the explanation by clicking on the text of the explanation in the questionnaire. Please enter your contact information for privacy.

There are a total of 5 fields that you can use, depending on how detailed you want to query. The fields can be inserted via the 'Merge Tag' button (only once each time), they appear in the detail report ('Event -> Report -> Detail Report'):
  • DSGVO / GDPR: this field is intended for the GDPR consent
  • Contact by Email: if you request special contact channels, use this field for email contact
  • Contact by Phone: If you request special contact channels, use this field for phone contact
  • Contact by Print: if you request special contact channels, use this field for postal contact
  • Compliance: if you have an additional compliance questions, use this field
  • Subscribe: the contact data field 'subscribed' can be set if the consent should also apply to future invitations. This field cannot be a mandatory field according to GDPR.
You can have an e-mail log sent to you if the participant submits the questionnaire or signes up. To do this, enter the destination email address under 'Event -> E-Mails -> Sender -> Participants Log E-Mail'. The email contains all data of the participant, his anonymized IP address and the answers of his questionnaire. This e-mail can be saved as proof of the participant activity.
If you use the community, you can set under 'Event -> Edit Registration -> Community Members -> Participants with Opt in'. A question in the questionnaire will be activated, if the participant agrees to be listed in the community as a member. If this option is active, only members who have given this consent will be shown.

For public registrations, you should also select the option 'Record data, then verify email' for security, otherwise you will not be sure if the owner of the specified email has given your consent. You can activate under 'Event -> Websites -> Public Registration -> Terms' that consent to the terms will be requested at the time of the registration.
Example declaration of consent
"We would like to invite you via email and letter to our events. For this purpose we collect and process personal data about you. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties. Your personal data will not be stored longer than necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes. To process your data we use the online service yve event tool from the service provider Buckow Enterprise Solutions GmbH (see privacy policy All data is secured against loss, destruction, access, modification and dissemination through technical and organizational measures.
The processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purpose is based on your consent. You have the right at any time to revoke this consent or to object to the processing. You have the right at any time to obtain information about your personal data, the right to rectify or delete them, the right to limit their processing and the right to transfer data. To contact us regarding privacy, you are welcome to contact us using the contact information below:

<Contact for data protection>
I agree that my personal information will be used for this purpose."