User manual

Legal requirements

Transparency and Legal Requirements for Sending Emails via Yve

When sending emails, such as invitations and newsletters through Yve, strict legal requirements apply, particularly with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To avoid your emails being categorized as spam and to comply with legal requirements, the following principles should be observed:
Recipient Consent
  • Send emails only to recipients who have explicitly given you their consent to do so. The consent must come directly from the recipient. You can request consent in the questionnaire.
  • Ensure that email addresses collected through a public registration are verified using an Double opt-in process. This process ensures that the email address actually belongs to the person who provided it. You activate the procedure in yve with 'Event->Edit registration->Public registration->Take contact details, then verify email'
Transparency About the Origin of the Address
  • Every email you send should include a clear explanation of where the email address was obtained and on what basis you believe you are allowed to send the recipient emails. This is particularly important to avoid misunderstandings and build trust with your recipients.
Easy Unsubscribe Option (Opt-out)
  • Every email you send via Yve should provide a simple method for the recipient to unsubscribe (Opt-out). The recipient should be clearly informed on how to unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive emails.
  • All workflow emails are sent with the one-click-unsubscribe header. Currently only Apple IOS shows this header. You can place an unsubscribe link with the merge tag 'Contact unsubscribe'.
Legally Compliant Imprint
  • It is necessary to include a complete imprint in every email. This is a legal obligation, ensuring the recipient can clearly identify the sender of the email.
  • You can use the merge tag 'Imprint', then enter your imprint under 'Event->Edit event->Imprint'.
Keeping Your Email List Updated
  • Always keep your email lists up to date. Avoid bounce emails (non-delivery notifications). Remove email addresses promptly if you find that they are invalid or inactive, to prevent a high number of bounce emails and protect your sender reputation. With the 'Bounced' filter you can find all undeliverable contacts under Contacts.
  • You can identify inactive contacts by creating an Excel report via 'Contacts->Reports->Contacts Details'. The 'created_at' column shows the date the contact was created. In the 'current_sign_in_at' column you can see when the contact last logged in and in the 'sign_in_count' column how often.
By adhering to these principles, you help ensure compliance with legal requirements and improve the deliverability of your emails. This not only protects your own interests but also the functionality of the Yve Event Tool by reducing the risk of your emails being flagged as spam or Yve’s domain being blacklisted.