User manual

Merge Tags

Variable content with placeholders (Merge Tags)
You can read about the functionality of the editor in the article 'Edit Event Website'. You can insert variable content with placeholders (we call them merge tags). You will then see the placeholder in the editor with | * yve _.... * | Which is then automatically updated by yve with the individual contents, e.g. Salutation is replaced. The following merge tags are available for emails:
  • Button Left: sets the login button to the left. The button opens the event website. Caution: for emails, the position of the button can not be adjusted via the orientation. Therefore, there are buttons for left and centered alignment.
  • Button Center: sets the login button centered. The button opens the event website.
  • Button Direct: Accept+Decline sets the accept/ decline button left-aligned. Clicking opens the browser and a confirmation is requested. Only when the confirmation is clicked, the answer is set and then openeds the website. The text and button for confirmation can be changed under 'Event-> Websites-> Button Text & Color'. Caution: the questionnaire is bypassed with this button.
  • Button Direct: Accept sets the acceptbutton left-aligned. Clicking opens the browser and a confirmation is requested. Only when the confirmation is clicked, the answer is set and then openeds the website. The text and button for confirmation can be changed under 'Event-> Websites-> Button Text & Color'. Caution: the questionnaire is bypassed with this button.
  • Button Direct: Decline sets the decline button left-aligned. Clicking opens the browser and a confirmation is requested. Only when the confirmation is clicked, the answer is set and then openeds the website. The text and button for confirmation can be changed under 'Event-> Websites-> Button Text & Color'. Caution: the questionnaire is bypassed with this button.
  • Button Open Registration: set e buttonn that opens the open registration of the event
  • Button Profile: Sets a button that leads to the participant's profile
  • Greetings: sets the individual salutation to this place as defined under Salutation.
  • Login General: general login URL, login name and password of the participant. We recommend to use the buttons rather than the login, so avoid typing errors.
  • Login Event: Login URL of the event, login name and password of the participant. We recommend to use the buttons rather than the login, so avoid typing errors.
  • Survey (list): sets the questions and answers of the participant as a list (answers are available under the questions) to this place.
  • Survey (table): sets the participant's questions and answers as a table (answers beside the questions).
  • Survey (table short): sets the participant's questions and answers as a table (answers beside the questions). Only questions that have been answered are displayed. For checkbox questions, the question will only be displayed if a checkmark has been set
  • Contact Familyname: sets the surname of the participant
  • Contact Firstname: sets the first name of the participant
  • Contact Title: sets the participant's title
  • Contact Company: is the company of the participant
  • Contact Position: sets the position of the participant
  • Contact Country: sets the country of the participant
  • Contact Email: sets the participant's email
  • Contact Login Name: participant's login name
  • Contact Login Pasword: participant's password
  • Companions: sets the number of accompanying persons
  • Companion names: Sets the names of all companions
  • Sales Contact: sets the sales manager of the participant
  • Contact Field 1-6: sets the content of the respective user-defined master data field
  • Contact invitation ID: sets the participant's invitation ID
  • Contact unsubscribe: sets the link to unsubscribe from the newsletter
  • Contact subscribe: sets the link to agree to the newsletter
  • Event Title: sets the title of the event
  • Event Description: sets the description of the event
  • Event Location Name: sets the name of the venue
  • Event Location Address: sets the address of the venue
  • Event Start Date: sets the start date of the event
  • Event End Date: sets the end date of the event
  • Event Start Time: sets the start time of the event
  • Event End Time: sets the end time of the event
  • Event imprint: the event imprint
  • Account Company: sets the company of this account to this place
  • Today's Date: sets the current date